Team Building



16 products found


Action Painting

150 min
Immersed with “hands in colour” the participants will have the aim of creating a real work of art using a canvas.

Around the World

120 min, 90 min
Ready for your first trip around the world? Then prepare your passport! Take your team across 22 countries, tackling numerous quizzes, video and photo trials to earn the maximum score before time runs out.

Assault Reporters

180 min, Half Day
Each team will have the task of creating a corporate newscast. Each newsroom will have to organize itself by defining the roles and journalistic style.


120 min, 150 min
Can you save the world by stopping the Spider Technology?! The goal is to prevent the spread of a technological virus in time.


Half Day
A journey into the world of the circus in search of the inner child through juggling, clowning, balancing and acrobatics.

Connecting People

Full Day, Half Day
Different problem solving, interactive and dynamic games coming from outdoor training will be presented in an atmosphere of maximum fun.

Operation Mindfall

120 min, 150 min
Can you save the world by stopping Spider Technology’s plan?! The goal is to prevent the virus from spreading by finding the antivirus

Pasta Building

120 min, 90 min
The single spaghetti contributes to the construction of a tower, a bridge or a house strong> thanks to the union and integration with others.

Play Lego

150 min, 90 min
Play Lego allows all participants to experiment with a creative activity and fun using the famous colored bricks.

Radio Team Building

Full Day, Half Day
Insieme al tuo team dovrai realizzare un programma radiofonico dove verrà registrata una puntata pilota. 3,2,1… siete in onda!
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