Team Building



12 products found


Around the World

120 min, 90 min
Ready for your first trip around the world? Then prepare your passport! Take your team across 22 countries, tackling numerous quizzes, video and photo trials to earn the maximum score before time runs out.

Assault Reporters

180 min, Half Day
Each team will have the task of creating a corporate newscast. Each newsroom will have to organize itself by defining the roles and journalistic style.

Beat the Screen

60 min, 90 min
10 levels of fun interactive challenges. As the stakes go up, so do the points! Will your team adopt the winning strategy?

Charity Experience

150 min, 90 min
Charity Experience does doubly good: team building + charity = teamwork2. It is good for the spirit by pursuing corporate social commitments.

Christmas Time

45 min, 90 min
Christmas Time is the most requested activity to celebrate Christmas together with your colleagues… obviously all seasoned with a Christmas theme!

Radio Team Building

Full Day, Half Day
Insieme al tuo team dovrai realizzare un programma radiofonico dove verrà registrata una puntata pilota. 3,2,1… siete in onda!

Soap Opera

180 min, Half Day
Imagine interpreting a melodramatic dialogue in perfect Beautiful style. You will have to make a corporate soap opera.

Team Quiz

45 min, 90 min
Engage guests in collaborative and fun challenges. Take on as many trials as possible and achieve the highest score before time runs out.

The Daily Kick-Off

30 Day
What better way to start the day than with our motivational activity to engage your team? Daily activities are set to be released to participants’ mobile phones every morning for up to one month.

Tips for shopping

180 min, Half Day
Each team will be tasked with creating a corporate commercial. Commercials can deal with company products/services or something totally invented.


60 min, 90 min
Vintage riscalda i cuori e accende i ricordi d’infanzia di tutti i partecipanti in quanto è un vero e proprio viaggio nel tempo tra gli anni ’70 e ’90.
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